Başkonsolosluk Tarihi ve Önceki Başkonsoloslarımız

Established in 1968, the Consulate-General of Türkiye in Los Angeles has been operating at its current address at 8500 Wilshire Boulevard since June 2020. The residential compound of the Consulate-General was acquired in 1982.

Turkish Consulate-General in Los Angeles was the first among those Turkish diplomatic missions abroad that became the target of a series of over 30 heinous terrorist attacks from 1970s to 1990s, claiming the lives of over 35 Turkish diplomats/officials and their family members.

Consul-General Mr. Mehmet Baydar and Vice-Consul Mr. Bahadır Demir, who were assassinated in Santa Barbara/California on 27 January 1973 by an Armenian assassin, are the first martyrs of the Turkish Foreign Service as well as our Consulate-General. The third Turkish martyr in Los Angeles is Consul-General Mr. Kemal Arıkan who was assassinated on 28 January 1982 by Armenian terrorists.

Mustafa Talat Kulay
Mustafa Talat Kulay


Mehmet Baydar
Mehmet Baydar


Zübeyir Bensan
Zübeyir Bensan


Mehmet Kamil Uras
Mehmet Kamil Uras


Kemal Arıkan
Kemal Arıkan


Ali Suat Çakır
Ali Suat Çakır


Nihat Bozkurt Erman
Nihat Bozkurt Erman


Mehmet Nuri Emre
Mehmet Nuri Emre


Ahmet Oğuz Çelikkol
Ahmet Oğuz Çelikkol


Hayri Hayret Yalav
Hayri Hayret Yalav


Aykut Berk
Aykut Berk


Ahmet Engin Ansay
Ahmet Engin Ansay


R. Hakan  Tekin
R. Hakan Tekin


Raife Gülru Gezer
Raife Gülru Gezer


Can Oğuz
Can Oğuzbaşkonsolos_in


Sinan Kuzum
Sinan Kuzum



Sinan Kuzum Consul General
Monday - Friday

08:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 17:00

In-person Application Hours: 09:00 - 12:30
1/1/2025 1/1/2025 First Day of New Year
1/20/2025 1/20/2025 Federal Tatil
2/17/2025 2/17/2025 Federal Tatil
3/31/2025 3/31/2025 Ramadan Feast 2nd Day
5/26/2025 5/26/2025 Memorial Day - Federal holiday
6/6/2025 6/6/2025 Kurban Feast 1st Day
6/19/2025 6/19/2025 Juneteenth - Federal holiday
7/4/2025 7/4/2025 Independence Day - Federal holiday
9/1/2025 9/1/2025 Labor Day - Federal holiday
10/13/2025 10/13/2025 Columbus Day - Federal holiday
10/29/2025 10/29/2025 Turkish National Day
11/11/2025 11/11/2025 Veterans Day - Federal holiday
11/27/2025 11/27/2025 Thanksgiving Day - Federal holiday
12/25/2025 12/25/2025 Christmas Day - Federal holiday
1/1/2026 1/1/2026 First Day of New Year